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One Baked Potato: An Enormous Meal!

So, what could be more perfect than a large baking potato (a Russet, I think), scrubbed clean, wiped dry, wrapped in foil and baked at 425 degrees for an hour?  Well, for starters, if you’re doing one, you may as well do six.  Economies of scale and all, you see! 

And so, when you pull out your potatoes and slice right through the foil to make an opening large enough to start flaking out the fleshy insides–the steam coming up and almost giving you a facial–what more do you really need than a sprinkle of salt, and perhaps a dab of butter?  Well, if you added just those two things, you’d be in for a wonderful treat.  

But if you want a royal treat, well then, here’s what you do:  you take a handful of grated cheese of your choice (we used a sharp cheddar here) and sprinkle that on, add also some pre-cooked broccoli and then return it to the oven for another couple minutes.  When it comes out, it is nothing short of AAHHH-MAZING!  And if you wish to go completely berserk, well then sprinkle on some chives, a dollop of sour-cream, and some crumbled bacon-bits. 

That’s it!  You don’t need to eat anything else.  Because, this ain’t no ordinary baked potato– this is a gourmet potato which is a meal in and of itself.  I guarantee it:  you’ll walk away one satisfied person!

1 thought on “One Baked Potato: An Enormous Meal!

  1. My favourite minus the broccoli:-) Lovely!

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