A 365-Day Project Called ‘More Than Bread’

I began this project in mid-November 2010.  More than bread… because man shall not live by bread alone!

This is a daily devotional designed to cover the reading and reflection of the Bible in one year.  Start reading on any day of the year — and 365 days later, you will have completed reading all sixty-six books of the Bible along with my meditation/reflection on the readings for the day.

The reading list has been selected to include four passages each day:  one each from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the book of Psalms, and the book of Proverbs.  Actually, the reading of the Psalms and Proverbs is done twice during the course of the 365-day reading plan.

The meditations/reflections on the reading for the day are entirely mine.  I take full credit for all interpretations, inferences, errors, and omissions.

Click on the link above titled More Than Bread to go to the most recent post.  You may browse through the Archives to search for a post by month and date.  Alternatively, you may click on any date in the calendar to the right to go directly to that post.

I trust this exercise of reading through the Bible will allow for a more examined view of the writings that comprise what a believer would call the inspired Word of God.

In case you wish to further explore the man called Jesus, click here.

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This is how I had first introduced this 365-day project:

This is a personal project that I hope to document within the span of one calendar year, i.e., 365 days.  I intend to embark on reading the Bible in its entirety within one year.  I have read the Bible over the years, and most likely have read most of the books within it, and have certainly read some parts multiple times.  And yet, I believe this is a significant personal project because it is one that requires discipline and devotion.  It is intentional, not imposed, and its purpose is self-growth, not self-glorification. 

In order to accomplish this, I have subscribed to a reading plan which entails receiving via e-mail a reading list for the day– which includes four passages: one each from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.

My goal is to complete the reading and to write down a reflection/devotional via this blog for the day.  Needless to say, I hope that this exercise will focus my attentions and energies into absorbing the text and gleaning from it the lessons for myself and for my day.  May it be that I will have “eyes to see, and ears to listen” for that “small and still voice” in my mission to systematically examine and apply God’s word. 

This picture, by the way, is one that I took around this time of year last year– it is a shopping bag from Starbucks Cafe that celebrates the holiday season.  Joy, Peace, and Love (on the other side of the bag!) are allegedly the three things that we all hope to be filled with, and to share with those around us during this time of year.  May it be that we are able to embody and exemplify these gifts all year round– and with all those around us.

I expect that this project might very well be one of the most rewarding ones that I have ever embarked on.  I intend to attend to it with all sincerity and in good faith.  May God give me the strength to accomplish it.  And may it be that God’s Word would flood my heart and mind, and allow me to be transformed into an image that reflects the light of the world.

Starbucks Cafe gift bag purchased circa Winter 2009 on Main Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

1 thought on “A 365-Day Project Called ‘More Than Bread’

  1. Hello Smriti D. Isaac.great project you did well.God bles you.
    Thanks Cyril

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