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Star Trek Beyond, 2016

I loved when the Star Trek movie franchise was revived some years back, and I was eager to go see this third one since its release.  And while I am not disappointed, I am certain that I preferred the other two to this one.  I had gotten used to the brilliant dialog, the thoughtful  development of each of the characters, the fine balance of space and time relative to the insatiable spirit of adventure and discovery, and the many perils of exploration.  And while this latest offering had all of the above, it still didn’t completely meet, let alone exceed the bar set by the previous ones.  Capt. Kirk and Spock and Bones and Scottie, and a few newbies were all in fine form, and even whilst traversing through space into other universes, the common qualities of the human condition including joy, pain, sadness, and even ennui were in full display by the crew of the USS Starship Enterprise.

The one complaint that I doubt I shall ever have is find anything wrong at all with Chris Pine’s Capt. Kirk.  So supremely confident and beautiful is he, that he can almost do no wrong.  Well, you know what I mean.  LOLOL.  And I suppose this might be the first time I am incorporating this lofty colloquialism into a serious piece of writing.  Which isn’t all that serious.  But then again, it was never supposed to be.

Bottom line:  not a bad use of your time or money.  A thumbs-up.


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