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Star Trek Into Darkness, 2013

For die-hard fans of the Star Trek franchise, this latest offering by famed director JJ Abrams will be viewed as a fun and engaging continuation in the series of intergalactic adventures by the Starship Enterprise.  For others, it might be a curiously entertaining offering with plenty of super-hero style action and sci-fi imagery.

Regardless, it does not disappoint.  Granted many of the themes and plots are a re-hash of the old television series, yet there is a freshness to the quality of the story even while certain themes are invariably as old as the hills such as the tension between Kirk and Spock, or seen more fundamentally, between emotion and reason.  This latest installment of the series establishes that the human part of Spock has undoubtedly won out over his Vulcan heritage, and we can’t help but cheer on and feel an incredible sense of relief over that realization!

Chris Pine’s Kirk is a continued amazing tribute to the original Kirk of Shatner, and Pine, incidentally, ought to be nominated for a list of the world’s most beautiful men, if he isn’t already.  Likewise, Zachary Quinto’s Spock is a worthy successor to the original Spock of Leonard Nimoy. 

The dialogue is dry, witty and occasionally brilliant; the acting, terrific. You may not remember the storyline, but you’ll remember with fondness the characters.

Well worth the price of admission, and then some.


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